Little Keith Lemon: Memoirs of Me Childhood
Keith Lemon

Little Keith Lemon: Memoirs of Me Childhood

Цена: 948.00 р.

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Have you ever wondered how Keith Lemon went from life as a young nipper in Leeds to being the strawberry blonde star of CELEBRITY JUICE surrounded by bang tidy lasses? What made him the man he is today? In this heart-warming and inspirational memoir, Keith reveals the story of his childhood, lifting the lid on all the experiences of northern youth that have led him to become an international ladies' man and national treasure. In this Adrian Mole meets VIZ's PROFANISAURUS-style full colour memoir, Keith reminisces about his journey from baby to babe-magnet, delving deep into his past and his early years as an unbelievably talented youngster in Leeds (even before he became a professional sex symbol).


Автор: Keith Lemon

ISBN: 978-1-4091-5247-7

Издательство: Orion

Год выпуска: 2014


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