Giuliana Rancic


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In her hilarious memoir Going Off Script, Giuliana Rancic gives readers an honest look at her life on and off camera. From a young age she dreamed of becoming a TV anchorwoman, but her path to her dream job was far from straight, leading her instead to Hollywood news and a bounty of LA misadventures (featuring notables such as Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Russell Crowe). In spite of her glamorous Hollywood life, however, Giuliana could not escape some rockier times, including her battles with infertility and breast cancer. Here, she reveals the whole truth behind her well-publicized struggles, and the highly controversial decisions she had to make. Candid, funny, and poignant, Going Off Script is an autobiography that proves you don't always have to follow the rules to get the life you've always dreamed of.


Автор: Giuliana Rancic

ISBN: 978-0-553-44668-5

Издательство: Three Rivers Press

Год выпуска: 2015


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