Swallowing Darkness
Hamilton, Laurell K

Swallowing Darkness

Цена: 207.00 р.

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Merry Gentry is not your average private investigator. Half human, half faerie, she's caught in a struggle that threatens not only her life, but the lives of those she desires and holds dear. Her very existence and her rightful place on the throne of Faerie have long depended on her producing an heir - and now, after many failed attempts, she is pregnant... A triumphant moment, but revelation follows revelation: for Merry carries twins, and they have more than one father... There are those of her own flesh and blood who want Merry and her unborn children dead, but she is a fighter and wields a wild magic. And this is her world. This is where the magical and the mortal intertwine, where folklore, fantasy and erotically charged adventure collide...


Автор: Hamilton, Laurell K

ISBN: 9780553819199

Год выпуска: 2014


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