The Moody Blues. Gold (2 CD)

The Moody Blues. Gold (2 CD)

Цена: 1199.00 р.

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Вес: 100
Ширина упаковки: 150
Высота упаковки: 10
Глубина упаковки: 120
Альбомы: The Moody Blues. Gold
Запись: Tuesday Afternoon (Forever Afternoon),Nights In White Satin,Ride My See-Saw,Legend Of A Mind,Voices In The Sky,Lovely To See You,Never Comes The Day,Gypsy (Of A Strange And Distant Time),Candle Of Life,Watching And Waiting,Question,Melancholy Man,The Story In Your Eyes,Lost In A Lost World,New Horizons,Isn't Life Strange,I'm Just A Singer (In A Rock & Roll Band),Remember Me My Friend - Blue Jays,Blue Guitar - Blue Jays,Steppin' In A Slide Zone,Had To Fall In Love,Driftwood,Forever Autumn - Justin Hayward,The Voice,Talking Out Of Turn,Gemini Dream,Blue World,Sitting At The Wheel,Your Wildest Dreams,I Know You're Out There Somewhere,Say It With Love,Bless The Wings (That Bring You Back),Strange Times,December Snow
Тип упаковки: Jewel Case
Издание: Импортное


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