Brand X. Nuclear Burn. The Charisma Albums 1976-1980 (4 CD)

Brand X. Nuclear Burn. The Charisma Albums 1976-1980 (4 CD)

Цена: 1669.00 р.

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Вес: 195
Ширина упаковки: 130
Высота упаковки: 28
Глубина упаковки: 140
Альбомы: Brand X. Nuclear Burn. The Charisma Albums 1976-1980
Запись: Nuclear Burn (Underthodox Behaviour 1976),Euthanasia Waltz (Underthodox Behaviour 1976),Born Ugly (Underthodox Behaviour 1976),Smacks Of Euphoric Hysteria (Underthodox Behaviour 1976),Unorthodox Behaviour (Underthodox Behaviour 1976),Running On Three (Underthodox Behaviour 1976),Touch Wood (Underthodox Behaviour 1976),The Ancient Mysteries (BBC Session 1976),Born Ugly (BBC Session 1976),Kubit Blitz (BBC Session 1976),Nightmare Patrol (BBC Session 1977),-Ish (Livestock (Continued)),Euthamasia Waltz (Livestock (Continued)),Isis Mourning (Part 1 & 2) (Livestock (Continued)),Malaga Virgin (Livestock (Continued)),Sun in the Night (Moroccan Roll 1977),Why Should I Lend You Mine (When You've Broken Yours Off Already)... (Moroccan Roll 1977),...Maybe I'll Lend You Mine after All (Moroccan Roll 1977),Hate Zone (Moroccan Roll 1977),Collapsar (Moroccan Roll 1977),Disco Suicide (Moroccan Roll 1977),Orbits (Moroccan Roll 1977),Malaga Virgen (Moroccan Roll 1977),Macrocosm (Moroccan Roll (Continued)),Malaga Virgin (BBC Session 1976),The Poke (Masques 1978),Masques (Masques 1978),Black Moon (Masques 1978),Deadly Nightshade (Masques 1978),Earth Dance (Masques 1978),Access to Data (Masques 1978),The Ghost of Mayfield Lodge (Masques 1978),Don't Make Waves (Product 1979),Dance Of The Illegal Aliens (Product 1979),Soho (Product(Continued)),Not Good Enough - See Me! (Product(Continued)),Algon (Where An Ordinary Cup Of Drinking Chocolate Costs ?8,000,000,000) (Product(Continued)),Rhesus Perplexus (Product(Continued)),Wal To Wal (Product(Continued)),...And So To F... (Product(Continued)),April (Product(Continued)),Noddy Goes to Sweden (Do They Hurt 1980),Voidarama (Do They Hurt 1980),Act of Will (Do They Hurt 1980),Fragile (Do They Hurt 1980),Cambodia (Do They Hurt 1980),Triumphant Limp (Do They Hurt 1980),D.M.Z (Do They Hurt 1980)
Тип упаковки: Jewel Case
Издание: Импортное


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