J.J. Cale. Any Way The Wind Blows. The Anthology (2 CD)

J.J. Cale. Any Way The Wind Blows. The Anthology (2 CD)

Цена: 1389.00 р.

Купить в Ozon.ru - 1389.00 р.

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Вес: 120
Ширина упаковки: 125
Высота упаковки: 10
Глубина упаковки: 142
Альбомы: J.J. Cale. Anyway The Wind Blows. The Anthology
Запись: Call Me The Breeze,Crazy Mama,Magnolia,After Midnight,Lies,Changes,If You're Ever In Oklahoma,Midnight In Memphis,Cahun Moon,Rock And Roll Records,Anyway The Wind Blows,Crying,Everlovin' Woman,I Got The Same Old Blues,Woke Up This Morning,Cocaine,The Woman That Got Away,Ride Me High,Hey Baby,Durango,I'll Make Love To You Anytime,Don't Cry Sister,Thirteen Days,Things Ain't Simple,Sensitive Kind,Carry On,Runaround,Mam Don't,City Girls,Devil In Disguise,You Keep Me Hangin' On,Downtown L.A.,A Thing Going On,Don't Wait,Wish I Had Me A Dollar (Live),Money Talks,Hard Times,People Lie,Unemployment,Trouble In The City,Santa Cruz,Shanghaid,Change Your Mind,New Orleans,Humdinger,Lonesome Train,Jailer,Artificial Paradise,Long Way Home,Closer To You
Тип упаковки: Jewel Case
Издание: Импортное


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