Reggae Chartbusters Volume Five

Reggae Chartbusters Volume Five

Цена: 799.00 р.

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Вес: 95
Ширина упаковки: 125
Высота упаковки: 10
Глубина упаковки: 140
Тип: Сборник
Запись: Hurt So Good - Susan Cadogan,Everything I Own - Ken Boothe,Help Me Make It Through the Night - John Holt,Ire Feelings - Rupie Edwards,Curly Locks - Junior Byles,None Shall Escape the Judgement - Johnny Clarke,Please Don't Make Me Cry - Winston Groovy,Snoopy Vs the Red Baron - The Hot Shots,Sweet Cherrie - Honey Boy,This Monday Morning Feeling - Tito Simon,Play de Music - Tinga Stewart,Eighteen with a Bullet - Derrick Harriott,Love Is Overdue - Gregory Isaacs,Mafia - Lloyd Parks,Ram Goat Liver - Pluto Shervington,Crying Over You - Ken Boothe,You Baby - John Holt,Ire Feelings (Leggo Skanga) - Rupie Edwards,Shaving Cream - The Fabulous Five,Je T'Aime (Moi Non Plus) - Judge Dread
Тип упаковки: Jewel Case
Издание: Импортное


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