Clark Terry. Everything's Mellow / Plays The Jazz Version Of All American

Clark Terry. Everything's Mellow / Plays The Jazz Version Of All American

Цена: 669.00 р.

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Вес: 105
Ширина упаковки: 125
Высота упаковки: 10
Глубина упаковки: 142
Тип: Альбом
Запись: Out In The Cold Again (Everything's Mellow),The Simple Waltz (Everything's Mellow),This Is Always (Everything's Mellow),Lullaby (Everything's Mellow),Among My Souvenirs (Everything's Mellow),In The Alley (Everything's Mellow),Michelle (Everything's Mellow),As You Desire Me (Everything's Mellow),What A Country (Plays The Jazz Version Of All American),We Speak The Same Language (Plays The Jazz Version Of All American),If I Were You (Plays The Jazz Version Of All American),I've Just Seen Her (Plays The Jazz Version Of All American),Once Upon A Time (Plays The Jazz Version Of All American),Nightlife (Plays The Jazz Version Of All American),It's Fun To Think (Plays The Jazz Version Of All American),Fight Song (Plays The Jazz Version Of All American)
Тип упаковки: Jewel Case
Издание: Импортное


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